Housing and Infrastructure Study
Housing and Infrastructure Study
With continued growth and an ongoing housing crisis, Nashville must take a holistic look at residential development and our existing and planned infrastructure capacity, and if current zoning policies or other barriers harm Metro’s ability to address the city’s housing needs.
The Housing & Infrastructure Study was generated from Metro Council Resolution 2024-288, which requests several Metro departments create a comprehensive report of recommended policy and regulatory changes that would increase, where appropriate, permitted housing types and density in the city supported by existing and planned infrastructure.
Metro Planning leads the study in collaboration with Codes, NDOT, Water Services, Historic Commission, and other Metro departments. Metro Nashville has partnered with a consultant team led by Opticos Design on several aspects of the project including identifying opportunities for increasing the diversity of housing types to match Nashvillians’ needs and understanding implications for infrastructure.
The ultimate goal of this study is to ensure Metro is helping create a more livable community where all Nashvillians can thrive together.
Please keep an eye on this website as we will continue to update it with more informational videos and resources throughout the study process.
Information to provide background and context on the scope for Metro's Housing and Infrastructure Study and Housing Needs in Nashville.
Additional Resources
Key NashvilleNext components related to the Housing & Infrastructure Study
NashvilleNext Element: Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure
NashvilleNext Element: Housing
State of Affordable Housing Dashboard
Affordable Housing Task Force Report (2021)
Unified Housing Strategy | Nashville.gov
Fiscal Impact Analysis of Three Development Scenarios in Nashville-Davidson County, TN
Nashville-Davidson County, TN - Local Solutions for a Regional Vision
Public Presentations
Metro Planning Commission Work Session (Jan. 9, 2025)
VIDEO: Metro Planning Commission Work Session (Jan. 9, 2025)
Joint Council Committee: Housing and Infrastructure Briefing (Feb. 11, 2025)
General Questions
Greg Claxton, Advanced Planning and Research Manager
Media Questions
Richel Albright, Chief of Staff
ADA Compliance Questions
Randi Semrick, Human Resources Manager